Can someone please clarify  RECOVER BSDS command and Procedures on z/OS.

I am refering to MQSeries System Administration Guide for z/OS
"Recovering The BSDS"
This section states that  for DUAL BSDS mode
you can recover a damaged BSDS by;
1. Use IDCAMS DELETE/DEFINE to define a new BSDS
2. Use  +cpf  RECOVER BSDS command to make a copy of a valid BSDS (boot
strap dataset) in the newly allocated data set and to reinstate dual BSDS

When I look up the +cpf  RECOVER BSDS command
The Command Reference publication states:
Command processing consists of  allocating a data set  with
the same name as the one that  encountered the error  and
copying onto the new data set the contents of the BSDS
that does not have an error.

there is someting that I am misunderstanding here.
Does the recover BSDS command automatically Allocate a NEW BSDS ?

What is the correct procedure to recover a damaged BSDS
in dual mode ?
1. I assume the Queue Manager must be Stopped.
2. A NEW empty  BootStrap Dataset is deleted/defined
3. Then Add a  +cpf  RECOVER BSDS  command in the Queue Managers
   Input Parameters.

Is My assesment correct to recover a damanged
   Boot Strap Dataset for Dual Mode BSDS ?

On the other hand
Can the Queue Manager Be Started with a new "empty"
BootStrap Dataset and then issue the +cpf RECOVER BSDS
command when the Queue Manager is available ?

Paul DAngelo
Enterprise System Software

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