Hi, I already posted this a few days ago (subject CRC errors). I did a 
host-template which includes among other things CPU (1min/5min) and 
Proc/IOmem-usage and works fine for every Cisco-router from 805 to Cat5RSM; it 
inserts the Maxbytes for Proc/IOmem based on the value the router actually 
provides via snmp with calcing used+free mem giving you right percentages. (but 
this should be run best when the router is reloaded freshly)

Templates can be found at:
-- Desc: host-genericsnmp.template.ElabNET
-- Size: 29k (30709 bytes)
-- URL : http://www.ee.ethz.ch/~slist/p/host-genericsnmp.template.ElabNET
-- Desc: interface-genericsnmp.template.ElabNET
-- Size: 18k (18951 bytes)
-- URL : http://www.ee.ethz.ch/~slist/p/interface-genericsnmp.template.ElabNET

Use with (one line)
"/usr/local/mrtg/bin/cfgmaker --ifdesc=descr 
--community='xxx' --subdirs=HOSTNAME router1 router2 router3 >> 


-----Original Message-----
From: "Lotierzo, Leandro (Administración del Centro de Cómputos)"
Sent: Tuesday, April 29, 2003 3:44 AM
Subject: [mrtg] Re: MRTG config for 1720?
Importance: High

I have this CFG working with a Router Cisco 1750.

# CPU Usage RouterName1750 Creado x LL el 11/09/2002
Target[CPU-RouterName1750]:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
YLegend[CPU-RouterName1750]: CPU % Util. 
ShortLegend[CPU-RouterName1750]: % 
MaxBytes[CPU-RouterName1750]: 100 
Options[CPU-RouterName1750]: nopercent, gauge, growright
Unscaled[CPU-RouterName1750]: dwmy 
Legend1[CPU-RouterName1750]: CPU %: 
Legend2[CPU-RouterName1750]: . 
Legend3[CPU-RouterName1750]: Max value per interval on graph 
Legend4[CPU-RouterName1750]: . 
LegendI[CPU-RouterName1750]: CPU %: 
LegendO[CPU-RouterName1750]: . 
Title[CPU-RouterName1750]: RouterName1750 CPU 
PageTop[CPU-RouterName1750]: <H1>RouterName1750 CPU</H1> 
Background[CPU-RouterName1750]: #FFFFFF
WithPeak[CPU-RouterName1750]: ymw
# MEM Usage RouterName1750 Creado x LL el 11/09/2002
Target[MEM-RouterName1750]:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
.10.10 * 100 / 8281228 (This is the total Mem)
YLegend[MEM-RouterName1750]: Memory % Used
ShortLegend[MEM-RouterName1750]: Used 
MaxBytes[MEM-RouterName1750]: 100
Options[MEM-RouterName1750]: nopercent, gauge, growright
Unscaled[MEM-RouterName1750]: dwmy 
Legend1[MEM-RouterName1750]: Memory Utilized 
Legend2[MEM-RouterName1750]: . 
Legend3[MEM-RouterName1750]: Max value per interval on graph 
Legend4[MEM-RouterName1750]: . 
LegendI[MEM-RouterName1750]:  Mem.%: 
LegendO[MEM-RouterName1750]: . 
Title[MEM-RouterName1750]: RouterName1750 MEM
PageTop[MEM-RouterName1750]: <H1>RouterName1750 MEM</H1> 
Background[MEM-RouterName1750]: #FFFFFF
WithPeak[MEM-RouterName1750]: ymw


-----Original Message-----
From: Asaf Rapoport [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, April 28, 2003 10:38 PM
To: 'Ross Tsolakidis '
Subject: [mrtg] Re: MRTG config for 1720?

 Thank you Ross!
Anyone out there having better luck with the 1720?
-----Original Message-----
From: Ross Tsolakidis
To: Asaf Rapoport
Sent: 4/28/03 5:04 PM
Subject: RE: MRTG config for 1720?

Hi Asaf,
For the 1720 I found a config for the CPU, but not sure it's working
100%.  The numbers just seem low..
Here it is.
## CPU usage
Target[*.*.*.*_cpu]:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
YLegend[*.*.*.*_cpu]: CPU Utilization
ShortLegend[*.*.*.*_cpu]: %
MaxBytes[*.*.*.*_cpu]: 100
Options[*.*.*.*_cpu]: nopercent, gauge, unknaszero
#Unscaled[*.*.*.*_cpu]: dwmy
Legend1[*.*.*.*_cpu]: CPU Utilization
Legend2[*.*.*.*_cpu]: .
Legend3[*.*.*.*_cpu]: Max value per interval on graph
Legend4[*.*.*.*_cpu]: .
LegendI[*.*.*.*_cpu]: CPU:
LegendO[*.*.*.*_cpu]: .
Title[*.*.*.*_cpu]: CPU load %
PageTop[*.*.*.*_cpu]: <H1>CPU load %</H1>
Colours[*.*.*.*_cpu]: GREEN#00eb0c,BLUE#0000ff,GRAY#AAAAAA,VIOLET#ff00ff
WithPeak[*.*.*.*_cpu]: ymw
I had much more luck with the 7206.
Target[*.*.*.*.cpu]:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
MaxBytes[*.*.*.*.cpu]: 100 
Title[*.*.*.*.cpu]: 7206psmel - CPU Usage (%) 
YLegend[*.*.*.*.cpu]: CPU Usage (%) 
ShortLegend[*.*.*.*.cpu]: % 
Legend2[*.*.*.*.cpu]: CPU Usage 
LegendO[*.*.*.*.cpu]: Usage: 
Options[*.*.*.*.cpu]: nopercent, gauge 
SetEnv[*.*.*.*.cpu]: MRTG_INT_IP="*.*.*.*" MRTG_INT_DESCR="CPU Usage" 
PageTop[*.*.*.*.cpu]: <H1>7206psmel - CPU Usage (%)</H1> 
  <TR><TD>System:</TD> <TD>7206psmel </TD></TR> 
  <TR><TD>Description:</TD><TD>CPU Usage </TD></TR> 
MaxBytes[*.*.*.*.mem]: 256000000 
Title[*.*.*.*.mem]: 7206psmel - MEM Free Usage (%) Max MEM = 256000K 
YLegend[*.*.*.*.mem]: MEM Usage (MB) 
LegendO[*.*.*.*.mem]: Free MEM: 
LegendI[*.*.*.*.mem]: Used MEM: 
Options[*.*.*.*.mem]: nopercent,gauge 
PageTop[*.*.*.*.mem]: <H1>7206psmel - MEM Free Usage (%) Max MEM =
256000K </H1> 
  <TR><TD>System:</TD> <TD>7206psmel </TD></TR> 
  <TR><TD>Description:</td><TD>Memory Usage </TD></TR> 
#7000 Inlet Temp degrees Centigrade 
# Outlet Temp degrees Centigrade 
Target[*.*.*.*.temp]:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

YLegend[*.*.*.*.temp]: Degrees C 
ShortLegend[*.*.*.*.temp]: &deg;C 
MaxBytes[*.*.*.*.temp]: 50 
Options[*.*.*.*.temp]: nopercent, gauge 
Unscaled[*.*.*.*.temp]: dwmy 
AbsMax[*.*.*.*.temp]: 50 
Title[*.*.*.*.temp]: 7206psmel Temperature Sensors 
Legend1[*.*.*.*.temp]: Average 1 minute Inlet Temperature 
Legend2[*.*.*.*.temp]: Average 1 minute Outlet Temperature 
Legend3[*.*.*.*.temp]: Average 5 minute Inlet Temperature 
Legend4[*.*.*.*.temp]: Average 5 minute Outlet Temperature 
LegendI[*.*.*.*.temp]: &nbsp;Inlet: 
LegendO[*.*.*.*.temp]: &nbsp;Outlet: 
PageTop[*.*.*.*.temp]: <H1> Temperature - Degrees C </H1> 
  <TR><TD>Description:</TD><TD>Temperature Sensors </TD></TR> 
I had some help from a gentlemen on this list, but for the life of me I
can't remember his name  :(
Sorry  :)

-----Original Message-----
From: Asaf Rapoport [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, 29 April 2003 5:55 AM
To: Ross Tsolakidis
Subject: MRTG config for 1720?

Hello Ross,
Were you able to find the config for CPU / Mem on a 1720?
How about a 7206?

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[mrtg] cisco 1720 cpu config


*       To: "' [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> '" <

*       Subject: [mrtg] cisco 1720 cpu config 

*       From: Ross Tsolakidis < [EMAIL PROTECTED]
<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > 

*       Date: Mon, 8 Jul 2002 09:29:11 +1000 

*       Delivered-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

*       Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

Hi all,

I'm having trouble getting mrtg to graph cpu usage on a Cisco 1720

Has anyone accomplished this, is it possible ?

If so, can get the values and a sample config ? :)





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Thank you,


Asaf Rapoport

Internal Communications

Phone: (213) 213-3278

Fax:    (213) 213-3279



If you could really accept that you weren't ok
you could stop proving you were ok. 
If you could stop proving that you were ok
you could get that it was ok not to be ok. 
If you could get that it was ok not to be ok
you could get that you were ok the way you are. 

You're ok, get it?  ~Werner Erhard 1973 

Recipe for success: Study while others are sleeping; work while others
are loafing; prepare while others are playing; and dream while others
are wishing.
--William A. Ward
In life: smart people learn from their mistakes while intelligent people
learn from other people's mistakes. Which one are you?    - Asaf

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