Hello Group,
        I am trying to use MRTG to monitor disk usage in Win2k. At this
point I have been able to get data and create some graphs but I am not sure
that the output is correct. I have checked the archive mailing list and
FAQ's and though I found some very good information, I did not get some
questions answered. I will list my issues with examples.

1. snmpwalk and MIBS.
        I am able to get the MIB information but I am not sure what some of
the values are. I have commented where I have issue.

. = STRING: "A:\\"
. = STRING: "C:\\ Label:  Serial Number 6c9cd02a"
. = STRING: "D:\\"
. = STRING: "E:\\ Label:New Volume  Serial Number
f0c36b07" # This is the drive I am interested in.
. = STRING: "F:\\ Label:New Volume  Serial Number
. = STRING: "Virtual Memory"
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 512
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 4096 # Is this the block size?
. = INTEGER: 4096
. = INTEGER: 65536
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 71032799
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 503416319 # Is this the max size? If
so, what format and how do I get this into MRTG format? (1)
. = INTEGER: 9438179
. = INTEGER: 47483
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 11746421
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 500757557 # Is this the current size?
If so, what format and how do I get this into MRTG format? (2)
. = INTEGER: 846031
. = INTEGER: 0

(1) This value does not match the byte size that is listed in the Win2k
drive properites.
(2) same as (1)

MRTG configuration file:

WorkDir: /home/mrtg/disk
RunAsDaemon: Yes
YLegend[SNORIMAGE01-microsoft_win2k_disk_util]: GB Used
Options[SNORIMAGE01-microsoft_win2k_disk_util]: gauge, unknaszero,
growright, nobanner, noo
What order should this be in? 
MaxBytes[SNORIMAGE01-microsoft_win2k_disk_util]: 2061993242624 # This is the
byte size of the drive from disk properites (see (1).
ShortLegend[SNORIMAGE01-microsoft_win2k_disk_util]: Bytes
kMG[SNORIMAGE01-microsoft_win2k_disk_util]: k,M,G
Legend1[SNORIMAGE01-microsoft_win2k_disk_util]: HDD Utilization
Legend3[SNORIMAGE01-microsoft_win2k_disk_util]: Max value per interval on
Legend4[SNORIMAGE01-microsoft_win2k_disk_util]: 2061993242624
LegendI[SNORIMAGE01-microsoft_win2k_disk_util]: &nbsp
LegendO[SNORIMAGE01-microsoft_win2k_disk_util]: .
WithPeak[SNORIMAGE01-microsoft_win2k_disk_util]: ymw
Title[SNORIMAGE01-microsoft_win2k_disk_util]: SNORIMAGE01
PageTop[SNORIMAGE01-microsoft_win2k_disk_util]: <H1>Hard Drive Utilization
kilo[SNORIMAGE01-microsoft_win2k_disk_util]: 1024
Xsize[SNORIMAGE01-microsoft_win2k_disk_util]: 600
Ysize[SNORIMAGE01-microsoft_win2k_disk_util]: 200
Ytics[SNORIMAGE01-microsoft_win2k_disk_util]: 10

MRTG Output:

The MRTG output is this (without the graph)

MAX: 1920.4 G Bytes (0.1%)  Average 1904.9 G Bytes (0.1%)  Current 1920.4 G
Bytes (0.1%)

Total drive size is 1.87 Terabytes. It is about 99% full right now. 

I would also like to add to the graph a static line at say 70% of total
drive space. I would also like the graph to go no higher than the max size
of the drive and have this graph as static. In other words, the graph will
always show 0 - (max drive size).

I have been working on this for two weeks. I have learned alot but my head

Austin Wolfe

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