At 10:11 26/05/2003 -0400, PAUL WILLIAMSON wrote:
>You need to go back and RTFM.

I did it, at You can be sure I read one time and again and 
again and again without results...

>MRTG requires two values to graph.  Usually, it is
>the in and out, so join make it look like this:
>Notice the two OIDs are joined by an ampersand.

Yes, the FAQ said that, I tried it without results...
I will try one more time, let me see...

> >>> Luis Miguel Cruz Miranda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 05/26/03 09:39 AM >>>
>Hi all,
>I have a problem here with MRG and OIDs.
>I am not an expert and I hope you can help.
>I have been working on this problem since last friday.
>I want to get traffic stats with MRTG from a Cisco router.
>The phone company give this data:
>Community RO -> public
>Instances -> .6 PVC
>Sysname -> .
>Sysuptime -> .
>IfAlias -> .
>IfInOctects -> .
>IfOutOctects -> .
>I read the MRG FAQ and I write my own mrtg.conf:
>Is it correct?
>The graphics don't show any value :-(
>Thanks in advanced.
>Luis Miguel Cruz Miranda.               |       B2B INTEGRAL, S.A.
>CCNA - Systems Administrator            |       Pol. Ind. de Asipo
>                                          |       C/A - Parcela 86-C
>Tel: +34 902 506 605                    |       33.428 - CAYES - LLANERA
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Luis Miguel Cruz Miranda.               |       B2B INTEGRAL, S.A.
CCNA - Systems Administrator            |       Pol. Ind. de Asipo
                                         |       C/A - Parcela 86-C
Tel: +34 902 506 605                    |       33.428 - CAYES - LLANERA
Fax:+34 985 980 794                     |       ASTURIAS (ESPAÑA/SPAIN)

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