Thanks, sounds good.
My RRD's were created with "Interval: 5" and they still have "step = 300" when 
I do "rrdtool info", but the mrtg-instance runs every 1 minute now so this 
should give me quite accurate values; this isn't used for any accounting or 
smth similar so some errors are ok. The traffic I expect isn't much higher than 
200 MBit so it should work in this case for me. There's also a newer 
software-version of the 3Com 4900 available but in the release notes there's 
nothing about snmpv2... Easiest thing would be to get this customer buy a Cisco 

As we're talking about counter-warps ;) Another thing I already asked some time 
ago on the list, I still haven't completely understood on which criteria mrtg 
relies to detect a counter wrap. Because I have another problem, much more 
annoying (because this data IS used for accounting), that spikes are generated 
for most graphs when a device reloads. 
I wrote debugs now the last few weeks but had no time to analyze in detail so 
far; it seems that for some reason mrtg thinks the counter wrapped instead of 
counting from zero after the reload. I found an intersting post from you from 
Dec 2001 which exactly describes how it should be handled (with looking on the 
uptime of the device) but as far as I can see mrtg doesn't do this (??) 

If yes, can you probably point me to the line to comment out to *prevent* mrtg 
from wrapping counters at all. (I'd go to patch one mrtg as I never have 
counter-wraps on 99,99% of the devices because the traffic is either low or 
using 64bit-counters on the cisco-boxes)
[rrd-users] Re: Dealing with counter resets

I found in mrtg on line 328:
--- cut ---
              if ($inlast < 0) {
                $inlast += 2**31;
                # this is likely to be a broken snmp counter ... lets compensate
--- cut ---
This looks for me like the part which creates my spikes, but should never get 
executed as I use rrdtool for all graphs ?? So is this "feature" creating my 
spikes probably in rrdtool self (using RRDtool 1.0.41) and I was looking on the 
wrong thing (mrtg) all the time.


-----Original Message-----
From: Alex van den Bogaerdt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 2003 1:13 PM
Subject: [mrtg] Re: MRTG to monitor Gigabit-ethernet with counter32 and
interval: 1

On Tue, May 27, 2003 at 12:54:47PM +0200, Michael Markstaller wrote:
> Just a quick question, I have to monitor a 3Com Superstack 4900 GE-switch 
> which seems to have no SNMP-v2c at all and so no 64Bit-counters ifHC*Octets. 
> So far so bad, I understand the whole problem; when traffic hits 114 MBit, 
> counters wrap etc..

The problem is slightly different:  above 114 Mbps and with a 5-minute 
interval, the wrapping occurs
so often that mrtg doesn't find a wrap.

counter increase real
value   seen     increase

12      2        2+2^32
14      2        2+2^32

By polling more often, this happens:

counter increase real
value   seen     increase

11+2^31 1+2^31   1+2^31                 (extra poll)
12      1+2^31   1+2^31
13+2^31 1+2^31   1+2^31                 (extra poll)
14      1+2^31   1+2^31

Polling more often introduces more error.
Suppose the timing accuracy is 1 second.  Normally this
results in an error of ~ 1:300.

If you're going to poll every 1 second then this results
in an error of 1:1.  Not good.

Specifying an interval of 300 seconds in rrdtool and polling
every minute (or so) will work and should result in better
handling of the frequent wraps but do keep the error in mind.


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