> *** Alegria, Luis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> *** [2003-06-18 11:26:20]:
> I try to run mrtg-ping-probe,
> Target[x.x.x.x_ping]: `c:\mrtg\pingprobe\mrtg-ping-probe.pl -k 50 -p 
> loss/loss x.x.x.x`
> I get the following error "Unkown Option": p, 

which version of mrtg-ping-probe are you using?

run this command (option capital V will display the script's version)

c:\mrtg\pingprobe\mrtg-ping-probe.pl -V

make sure it is version 2.4, if you have an earlier version,
fetch the latest release of mrtg-ping-probe


Hope this helps


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Peter W. Osel                   Principal - Development Systems
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