
I am Using MRTG/RRDtool and 14all.cgi for the web pages...
MRTG v.2.9.25
RRDtool v.1.0.41
14all.cgi v.2.25

I am having a problem with one of the targets, a 155 mbit link, when
accesing the cgi, all the graphs have a Current Value = 0.00%
The graphs are ok, and the Max and Avg values (think)... But not the Current
in/out values...

Any idea about wich could be the problem?

Thank you Very much in advance.

Rogelio Q.


This is my CFG:

LogFormat: rrdtool
PathAdd: /usr/local/rrdtool/bin
Interval: 1
AddHead[^]: <FONT FACE="arial">
WithPeak[^]: ymw
Unscaled[^]: dwmy
Options[_]: growright, bits, noinfo, unknaszero
YLegend[_]: Bits/Segundo
ShortLegend[_]: b/s

Directory[link]: link
Target[link]: /xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:::::2
SetEnv[link]: MRTG_INT_IP="xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx" MRTG_INT_DESCR="POS9/1/0"
MaxBytes[link]: 19375000
Title[link]: Enlace STM-1
PageTop[link]: <FONT COLOR="#0000ff">xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -- router</FONT></H3>

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