You are misunderstanding what MRTG does. MRTG isn't a server that runs
all the time. You configure it to poll certain SNMP hosts and then you
run it, usually every five minutes, from cron, and it creates graphs
that then get served up usually by a webserver like apache. I would read
the documentation more. cfgmaker is a utility that comes with for making
the config files (though you can do a lot more than what cfgmaker will
do for you), and indexmaker can make an index page of all the graphs for
you, if you want something quick and dirty.

The reason mrtg didn't do anything when you ran it like that is that you
haven't configured it to do anything - i.e. poll any hosts.

I think you just have to read the documentation a lot more. Good luck.


On 7/4/16 4:45 PM, thomaz portella wrote:
> I am configuring remotely.
> I found the cfg file located at /etc/mrtg/mrtg.cfg
> So I tried The and:
> env LANG=C /usr/bin/mrtg /etc/mrtg/mrtg.cfg
> Nothing happens.
> Even trying ps -ef |grep mrtg nothing is running.
> Before trying to start, I changed display tiping export DISPLAY=<IP>=0.0 .
> But didn't work.
> What can I do?
> Tks
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Wm. Josiah Erikson
Assistant Director of IT, Infrastructure Group
System Administrator, School of CS
Hampshire College
Amherst, MA 01002
(413) 559-6091

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