lasconic wrote
> Chordnames and Figured bass styles are already hidden in Style -> Text
> Style.
> I don't see why they should be selectable in the Text Tool bar (the bottom
> bar when your enter a text), or why this bar should be displayed at all
> for these 2 types.
> Same for right click -> text properties.
> In the end, I wonder if we really need style at all for these two elements
> since they are not really Text after all. The Text is just used as a proxy
> in the normal case.
> Maurizio, any opinion on this? I can see that you kept the figured bass
> text style.

Sorry for the delay: bad week, dead lines, ...

Usually, a normal, well-formed fig. bass element does not need anything from
either Text or SimpleText: its formatting is totally self-contained and
depends upon the parameters set in "Styles | General | Figured Bass".

I kept the fig. bass text style and, even more, I kept the whole FiguredBass
element as derived from the full Text class for a few reasons, some
instrumental and one cautionary:

1) While editing a fig. bass entry, it is easier to re-use the already
implemented (Simple)Text editing functions rather then re-implement them; to
do this, some text style has to be applied to the text, possibly a text
style similar enough to the current Fig. Bass parameters: this is what the
fig. bass text style is used for. In fact, when the "Styles | General |
Figured Bass" are edited, the fig. bass text style is updated to be as
similar as possible to them.

2) If an entry is not well-formed (I believe to have covered all the
reasonable cases, but I cannot rule out that some sources exist which use
non-standard syntax), the internal formatting is bypassed and the SimpleText
mechanism is used instead. Again, a text style is needed for that and the
fig. bass text style is used.

3) Lastly, it is conceivable that occasionally a fig. bass entry may be
needed which needs special style(s), for emphasis or for didactic purpose
(or for whatever else: user ingenuity has no limit!). So, I wanted to leave
the user free to assign to a fig. bass entry a different style or even to
have it unstyled with full text markup. It is for this reason that the "Text
Properties" item appears in the contextual menu; this also requires the
"Figured Bass" text style to appear in the drop lists to be able to
re-assign the default style to a changed entry.

All the above can be discussed, of course, but I think the above decisions
to be reasonable.



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