I am not sure if this is the right place where to ask this, or maybe the
"technology preview" forum: when trying to write down the set of
instructions I performed for the Windows 64bit compilation (
http://musescore.org/en/node/23116 ), I noticed that in the CMakelists.txt
for most of the folders constituting MuseScore source files there are these
lines, or similar ones:
set_target_properties (<name of the library>
-Winvalid-pch" )
In particular, if I understand correctly, the "-g" option is used also in
the release build, not only in the "debug" build.
I was wondering if these additional "-g" flags could be skipped when not in
debug build mode.

I have also another pair of questions. After some work, I managed to compile
a 32bit version under 64bit Linux Mint 13. I installed the 32bit Qt package,
the 32bit system libraries (ia32-libs) and cross-compile libraries
(multilib). I added "-m32" to the CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG and
CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE in MuseScore/CMakelists.txt. I then had problem only
in the final step when mscore application is linked. I could not figure a
way to force the linker to search for vorbis, ogg, sndfile libraries in the
correct /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu folder, it was saying "-lvorbis not found;
-logg not found; etc." also when "-L/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu" was used. I had
to manually edit, after a first failed compilation, the generated
MuseScore/build.relese/mscore/CMakeFiles/mscore.dir/link.txt and substitute
all the references to the not-found libraries with the correct ones (for
example, substituting "-lvorbis" with
"/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libvorbis.so.0") and then using the final
instruction "cd /home/antonio/MuseScore_32/build.release/mscore &&
/usr/bin/cmake -E cmake_link_script CMakeFiles/mscore.dir/link.txt
First question [or, maybe better definition, feature request :-) ]: is it
possible to add an environmental variable, for example "mycxxflag" or
something like this, to be appended to both the CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS for release
and debug (for each operating system), so that personal customization of the
compile chain can be easily done (for example, cross-compilation for 32/64
bits systems with "-m32" or "-m64")?
Second question: do you know how I can force, inside the cmake script used
for the compilation, the linker to use libraries in custom folders?

Thank you for your help.


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