On 11/10/2018 09:27, Werner Schweer wrote:
The algorithm to detect collisions was changed for performance reasons. The skyline algorithm is very fast compared to the previous approach especially if the number of elements to compare is big.

Sure, makes sense. Although, I'm thinking that you have to keep anyway the details of each and every element's rect, to enable mouse-based interactions: whenever clicking and/or dragging with the mouse, how do you look-up which element is below the mouse pointer ?


To solve the special case you saw i can imagine to look for neighboring elements in case the skyline routine tries to move an element more than the element height.

On 11.10.2018 00:49, Tommaso Cucinotta wrote:

I'm seeing this new skyline stuff for the auto-placement of elements, which, from the current master, ends up as in the attachment, when opening a MIDI file with an excess of tempo change texts to be placed.

There was the same problem a few months ago, but as the code was based -- AFAICR -- on the shape concept, I could apply a patch I had to fix the problem, by checking whether the new text to be placed had a rect intersecting with any of the rects of elements already placed. See the image comparison between the 2 cases here, for example:


AFAICS, this is not possible anymore, because the skyline abstraction hides details of what's between the skyline and the score.

What is the rationale for the change ? Is it possible to recover something back 
from the previous logic/code here ?



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Tommaso Cucinotta
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