I just encountered the JSON storage implementation for page settings: QJsonObject jsonPageformat; It's part of 3 new functions at the bottom of mscore/file.spp - saveMetadataJSON() (plus an overloaded version) and exportAllMediaFiles().

Is there a plan to move page settings out of XML and into JSON? Or is this simply a separate storage mechanism for page settings and a few select styles? I hate to name names, but I think I've seen @lasconic as being the author of these function - are you available to comment, sir? Can you explain the context and purpose of these JSON settings?  I see no mention of JSON in the forum post/discussion about the 3.0 beta release.


On 12/4/2018 7:30 AM, Sideways Skullfinger wrote:
FYI - I have found one circumstance outside of pagesettings.cpp in which the page settings are definitely handled distinctly from the styles: the class Score constructors.  Parts inherit all styles from their master score, except page settings, which are inherited from the default MuseScore settings (A4, 10/20mm margins).  See this block of code: https://github.com/musescore/MuseScore/blob/584e193e7d26182bf103074ad4efa7829921a515/libmscore/score.cpp#L275

On 12/2/2018 7:14 AM, Sideways Skullfinger wrote:
Can someone explain to me how the page settings data fields overlap and interact with the global styles in MuseScore?  I'm looking from an internal, code-based perspective.

They are in separate dialog boxes for the user.  They are stored together at run time in the styles (Sid::whatever).  They are stored in the same section of the XML, as far as I can tell. They seem to be treated differently in the code in several places, but I don't have a complete catalog of that, and I might even be mistaken about that.

Are they all styles that just happen to be separated in the user interface?  Or are there further internal differences in how they are stored and used in the code?

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