I, too, ran into issues with the new compiler setup, to the point where I've decided to wait for a bit until it's a bit more reliable.


PS: I have contributed code for the previous version of the build... mind you, that was ALSO fun to get going...

On 28/01/2019 9:35 PM, Bo Thorsen wrote:
Hi list,

I would like to start contributing to the code. First step is to get stuff compiled.

I am a *very* experienced Qt developer, but I haven't used CMake in at least 5 years.

Progress so far: I cloned the repo, added the dependencies, checked that I had Qt Creator set up correctly, installed CMake.

With a few tries I got CMake happy, and that runs without problems now. When building, it handles all the translations, but when it gets to the code, I get problems like these:

C:\Users\bo\projects\MuseScore\MuseScore\audiofile\audiofile.cpp:-1: error: C1083: Cannot open precompiled header file: 'C:/Users/bo/projects/MuseScore/build-MuseScore-Desktop_Qt_5_12_0_MSVC2017_64bit3-Default/audiofile//all.pch': No such file or directory

I get the same problem for many other dirs - midi, bww2mxml...

I checked the build dir, and there doesn't seem to be any all.pch anywhere. I tried to look at the CMake code, but it's been too long.

My setup is:

Visual Studio 2017
Latest Qt 5.12 and Qt Creator 4.8
Latest CMake (3.13.something I think)

I do everything from inside Qt Creator.

I hope you do mind a bit of help to the new guy here.


Bo Thorsen,
CEO & Founder, Viking Software.

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