> In order to access a cell value of a column widget use 
> <thecolumnwidgetinstance>[row].
> see definition of tdatabutton ancestor:
> "
>  tcustomintegergraphdataedit = class(ttogglegraphdataedit)
> [...]
>    property gridvalue[const index: integer]: integer
>         read getgridvalue write setgridvalue; default;
> "
> The "value" property of a column widget is the cell value of the focused row.

I read what you write but I do not understand.  My pascal knowledge just is not

Something like "<thecolumnwidgetinstance>[row]." just leaves me with little
knowledge and blindly trying different things.  

Now if you would have coded an example right after the above sentence using
variable names then I would have understood what you meant.

So assume a widgetgrid named wgStatus and a button named dbtnStatus.

What is the correct pascal coding statement.

I'm sorry for being dense but my background is ibm mainframes (assembler, cobol,
pl/i and such things) and learning pascal without someone to help takes time.

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