On Tuesday 22 November 2011 09.52:15 wahono sri wrote:
> How to write various color text in trichstringdisp? It is possible?
Sure. :-) Use the richvalue property and the various procedures in 
 richstringty = record
  text: msestring;
  format: formatinfoarty;
  flags: richflagsty;

function setfontcolor(var formats: formatinfoarty; aindex: integer; 
                       len: halfinteger; color: colorty): boolean;
                                 //true if changed
function setcolorbackground(var formats: formatinfoarty; aindex: integer;
                              len: halfinteger;
                              color: colorty): boolean;
                                 //true if changed

function updatefontstyle(var formats: formatinfoarty; aindex: integer;
                              len: halfinteger;
                              astyle: fontstylety; aset: boolean): boolean;
                                 //true if changed
function setcharstyle(var formats: formatinfoarty; aindex,len: halfinteger;
                            const style: charstylety): boolean;
                                  //true if changed
function getcharstyle(const formats: formatinfoarty; aindex: integer): 

procedure setselected(var text: richstringty; start,len: halfinteger);
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