2012/2/23 Martin Schreiber <mse00...@gmail.com>

> On Wednesday, 22. February 2012 18.05:55 Julio Jiménez wrote:
> > I'm using
> > Debian testing, i386 and Freepascal 2.6.0
> >
> > I can reproduce everytime... :(
> >
> I have a suspicion. Does it happen if the file has been changed in source
> editor? Is there a difference if the changed file already has been saved in
> IDE before running the tool?
I had 'S' column marked so the file is saved before being reformatted.  I
tried with S, without S, editing file.. not editing file... In my case
MSEide doesn't detect the file has been changed almost always (in fact only
detected once).

MSEide only detected the file changed in this way: S marked, open MSEide
and did some changes in a file, then I close and open MSEide again, execute
reformat tool.. then it detected the file was changed and ask to reload it.

If I edit the file and save it in the editor or with S option.. no changed
detected after the code is formatted. I tried JCF with all the options..
backup, inline.. and nothing.

About using a Reload option.. from my point of view, if I run a tool that
modifies a file, to reload the file is required always, so an option to do
it looks the simple way to do it. Probably the reason is the same you
argued when added S column to save the file.

Julio Jiménez Borreguero
Virtualization & Cloud Management Using Capacity Planning
Cloud computing makes use of virtualization - but cloud computing 
also focuses on allowing computing to be delivered as a service.
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