On 25 July 2012 11:47, Ivanko B <ivankob4m...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Most GUI
>> frameworks recommend/dictate that ALL gui work must be done within the
>> main thread
> ===============
> Even stepping/resizing progress bars ? How ?

Yes. I have often used threads to notify the main thread to update a
progress bar or other widgets for that matter. That is not hard. But
setting the ProgressBar.Position property directly from the thread is
where the trouble starts.

I would guess that MSEgui works different to VCL/LCL or fpGUI, so you
will need to ask Martin for the details. But if you want examples,
take a look at Delphi's 'Thread Sort' demo. If you don't have access
to Delphi, I can email you in private the demo code I am talking

  - Graeme -

fpGUI - a cross-platform Free Pascal GUI toolkit

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