Hallo news.gmane.org,

Du schriebst am Mon, 03 Sep 2012 12:43:18 +0500:


SUCCESS is 0, always.
FAILED is anything else.

There are _no_ standards as to what any value except 1 for FAILED (FAILURE,
wahtever you name it...) might mean or do. For Linux, I once read a
statement that it's not even ascertained that it will be handled as
expected. (E.g. it might not passed out of the generating code, but might
be changed to something different.)

Anyhow, _IF_ you go to use other values except 1 for FAIL, it#s up to _YOU_
to define what they should mean.
Sometimes people go along the lines of the system error codes, returning a
value that might give a hint about why the program failed. But often
enough, the return values are simply arbitrarily assigned, on a "first
come, first served" basis, so to speak.

And then, any system of fixed codes has one huge hole in its definitions:
that is the "undefined error" condition, a situation unique to the specific
case that's not covered by the codes defined and that noone had thought of.
And there may be a situation where _only_ such errors can occur, and a
whole bunch of them at that...

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Mit freundlichen Grüßen, S. Schicktanz

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