Thank you very much.

Alexandre Minoshi

> On Friday 26 October 2012 17:49:37 Alexandre Minoshi wrote:
>> Hello!
>> Today two questions:
>> 1. How to use twidgetgrid + tdataimage? For example I want to show list
>> of pictures and descriptions for them. I try next code
>> twidgetgrid1.rowcount := 3;
>> for i := 0 to 3 do
>> begin
>>      tdataimage1[i] := <path to file>;
>       tdataimage1.gridvalue[i] := readfiledatastring(<path to file>);
>>      tstringedit1[i] := 'This is picture number ' + inttostr(i);
>> end;
>> but got error "No member is provided to access property"
> There is no default property defined, git master
> 1dc8178a0a97d5daf490ad91b28e8e150c5415e7 has it.
>> 2.How hide end buttons in scrollbars in *grids ?
>> With tsider it is easy : need to set tslider.scrollbar.buttonendlength :=
>> -1
>> But scrollbars in  *grids has not analog property. There is only
>> tstringgrid.frame.buttonlength, but no tstringgrid.frame.buttonendlength.
> git master 1dc8178a0a97d5daf490ad91b28e8e150c5415e7 has it.
> Martin
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