Hallo Ivanko,

Du schriebst am Fri, 26 Oct 2012 03:29:48 +0500:

>  holds for _non_-interactive
> programs
> =========
> Win-32 serveices _can_ be interactive - the service manager even
> provides an option "allow to interact with desktop"  for each of its
> services :)

Well, yes, to some extend. I.e. at least up to and including Windows XP
services were allowed to be interactive. Only the later systems did away
with that ability and require a separate "user space" program for this
But I do shy away some from such a thing, not the least reason being that i
don't have any experience with Windows services, and I don't have a usable
"test bed", since the Windows XP I have is installed on my notebook - not
really convenient.
I still hope there might be another way.

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Mit freundlichen Grüßen, S. Schicktanz

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