Hallo Martin,

Du schriebst am Sat, 29 Jun 2013 20:45:52 +0200:

[own Pascal compiler]
> > Will be the existing code compatible? 
> >
> Mostly, a streamlined subset with extensions to achieve the "most
> productive universal programming language of the universe". ;-)
> Main goals are simplicity, easy to learn, as less as possible different 
> constructs and concepts and the ability to produce low level code with 
> maximal performance.

Hmmm. Seems right now you're a little overpaid or underworked?
Have you already done a compiler, complete with code generation and error
handling? And you'll need a runtime library, too.
(Quite some time ago, I did have to build - rebuild, to be precise - a
small compiler. It was for a simple special [PLC] language, no objects,
just standard control constructs and mathematical expressions, and maybe
even subroutines. It compiled to assembler code, and the goal was to
achieve an appreciable reduction of code size compared to the existing
compiler. It amounted to a complete rework, which took me a couple weeks to
write and quite some time to test before it was delivered to the customer.
It worked mainly as intended, except for a nasty problem that occured with
one specific program, where it always crashed... Turned out this was due to
an [undocumented] assumption in the parser generator, which didn't expect
anything beyond the 7-bit ASCII character range - and this program
contained exactly one Umlaut, in a comment... Took another couple weeks to
find, although it was fixed in a couple minutes then.)

You're facing quite a challenge here, Object Pascal isn't a simnple language
at all, especially because of the rather intricate data structures to be
built and managed. And doing that _fast_ is another, twofold, challenge -
you have to make the compiler _work_ fast, and have to make it produce code
that's working fast.

That's certainly an interesting feat, but it'if s not done full time, it
will almost certainly become a never ending story...
Anyway, I wish you good luck! (And continuing optimism;)

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Mit freundlichen Grüßen, S. Schicktanz

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