On 11/06/2013 01:40 PM, Martin Schreiber wrote:
> On Wednesday 06 November 2013 11:27:58 Michael Schnell wrote:
> [...] strings
> It is planned to implement bytestring, bytestring[<maxlength>], string8,
> string16 and string32.
> string8 is utf-8 encoded, string16 utf-16, string32 ucs4. string8, string16
> and string32 are assignment compatible,
> index is code unit not code point!.
Supposedly for all string types. (Same as in all Delphi languages I 
know). Code point indexing would force horrible performance and handling 
of composed codepoints is not appropriate at all.
> msestring = string16.
> bytestring can hold any encoding or binary data. There must be a possibility
> to define the encoding of string and character constants at compiletime for
> the assignment to bytestring.
IMHO any not perfectly obvious "automatic" conversion asks for 
confusion. So (provided your encoding law above) I would not allow for 
bytestring to be assigned to of from any encoded string. here there user 
should explicitly call a converter function in the RTL.


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