On Tuesday 30 September 2014 13:35:39 amateur wrote:
> 30.09.2014 12:01, Martin Schreiber пишет:
> > I don't understand.
> I, too...
> I know that this is due to innovations in gnome. But do not understand
> how it is to win.
> if use timer - form show (when maximize).
> {
> timer have only
>    beginupdate and endupdate
> }
> if don`t use - form is bad.
> But it is not correct...
Did you test with MSEgui current git master? What happens if you start MSEgui 
applications with --NOSTATICGRAVITY?
Unity AFAIK does not support win_gravity = staticgravity. Please read again 
and test if win_gravity = staticgravity works on your system. We can not 
advance until staticgravity is usable.

> p.s.
> This is not only in mse applications. I see this effect it in other
> programs...
Ouch. The big benefits of "modern" windowmanagers. ;-)
They probably test with mainstream applications only. With Unity I fear that 
it is by intention in order to detain "alien" ( = not fully Unity integrated) 


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