On Tuesday 07 October 2014 22:11:00 amateur wrote:
> I found fo_screencentered but don`t see desktop center...
> If you have two monitors are not correctly displayed position of the
> form (when using fo_screencentered)/
> When I put a message or call dialog with fo_screencentered i see
> screenshot...
> Always displayed between monitors... I can only see half of the dialog.

The screenshot is too big for the mailinglist. Did you understand my previous 

> On Tuesday 07 October 2014 22:11:00 amateur wrote:
> > I found fo_screencentered but don`t see desktop center...
> >
> > If you have two monitors are not correctly displayed position of the
> > form (when using fo_screencentered)/
> fo_screencentered uses "application.workarea" which queries the window
> property "net_workarea", fo_screencenterdvirt uses the whole virtual
> screen. Please check if "application.workarea" reports correct values for
> you, if not check why not. ;-)
> I suggest to set a breakpoint in msegui.pas
> "
> function tguiapplication.workarea(const awindow: twindow = nil): rectty;
> var
>  id: winidty;
> begin
>  id:= 0;
>  if awindow = nil then begin
>   if factivewindow <> nil then begin
>    id:= factivewindow.fwindow.id;
>   end;
>  end
>  else begin
>   id:= awindow.fwindow.id;
>  end;
>  result:= gui_getworkarea(id);     <<<<-----
> end;
> "
> And to step into gui_getworkarea() in order to see what happens.
> Martin

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