2014-11-28 18:25 GMT+01:00 Martin Schreiber <mse00...@gmail.com>:

> The problem with PDF is that it does not provide the calculation options
> that
> PostScript offers. MSEgui PostScript driver makes the precision text
> placement in the PostScript code with the actually loaded font. PDF can't
> do
> this, there one needs to read the font files and parse the font tables in
> order to make precision text placement. I can't do that because fonts and
> their locations are too system specific, a can of worms. Embedding fonts is
> also problematic because of licensing issues.
> Another problem is PDF Unicode. It is not that I did not wanted to do it
> but I
> did not found a solution which was good enough. So I suggest to use
> ps2pdf. I
> also optimized the MSEgui PostScript output for PS-viewers as preview
> possibility.
Sorry, I don't asking you to implement PDF support or other features. What
I mean is that you are using similar arguments as FPC devs. You all have
your reasons.

About postscript and ps2pdf, I discarded it years ago. It was too slow for
my needs. What I did at first, was get the original PowerPDF code (not the
lazarus version) and modified it to make it working with fpc (no mse nor
lazarus dependencies) then I wrote a API to build reports in the way I
could use it under MSE and Lazarus.

After this, I ported my api to Lazarus as lazreport addon and worked with
Jesus Reyes in Cairo support (not it's used by default in Lazarus). For MSE
applications, I use a report generator developed with Lazarus + Lazreport
so I can generate high quality PDF under linux and windows embedding the
desired fonts into the PDF... Something like what Wahono did with Repaz but
with code reporting capability.

For code formatting... I use JCF as tool in MSEide...

I can't wait for someone to implement something I can do ;)

Actually I'm using FPC, MSE and Lazarus with really good results.

Julio Jiménez Borreguero
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