thank , i'll try that

2015-01-04 8:47 UTC+01:00, Martin Schreiber <>:
> On Saturday 03 January 2015 17:44:05 misu kun wrote:
>> Hello Martin
>> how can i push some files into  mseuniverse  ?
> Make the changes in your mseuniverse clone directory.
> Run MSEgit, 'File'-'Open git Repo', select your mseuniverse clone directory.
> Modified files are showed in red color,
> untracked files are white, see attachment msegit.png. If you need to add
> files
> select them, RightClick-'Add', they get a green '+' symbol.
> When all is ready 'git'-'Commit all' or Ctrl+O, enter a commit message.
> Convention is to use '*' as start of a change, '+' for an addition and '-'
> for a removement, see attachment msegit1.png.
> Click 'Commit', now your changes are stored in your local git repository. In
> order to synchronize the remote repo on Gitorious use 'git'-'Push'.
> Martin

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