On Tuesday 06 January 2015 08:58:34 Martin Schreiber wrote:
> On Monday 05 January 2015 21:00:25 Bill Buzzell wrote:
> > I have a general Git question:
> >
> > I deleted the /samples/communication/commchannel​ directory intending to
> > "pull" from "origin". Apparently I went about it the wrong way.
> > I tried to "Pull", "fetch all", "fetch", "fetch from origin", and
> > "merge..." all to no avail. Also tried to "revert" from all.
> >
> > Is there an easy way to re-synch the repo or have I corrupted it?
> Currently MSEgit does not list deleted files in the "revert" window, I have
> to fix that. The name "revert" also needs to be changed because there is a
> "git revert" command which does something completely different.

Done, mseuniverse git master f2301bcbca374d6408da1bc98a66dfe47eac4ce0.
A deleted directory now can be restored by RightClick-'Restore' on the 
directory item or its parents, see attachment.

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