On 2015-06-18 15:59, Martin Schreiber wrote:
> Me too. It should create a ~/.msetools/msegit.sta in order to store the 
> layout 
> and other infos. Contrary to MSEide it does not automatically load the last 
> used repo.

Ah, deleted the whole ~/.msetools/ and now MSEgit has a whole new
default layout - two windows by default with already docked windows.
This didn't happen before. The new default is much better.

Problem still persists though. My layout customisations are not saved
between restarts. It now defaults to the "new default two window"
layout. Even though I added a Stashes window into the mix. It is lost
after a restart.

  What is the ".msegitrepo.sta" file for in my git repositories? Must I
  delete this too and see if it helps?

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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