On Friday 19 June 2015 11:27:01 Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:
> Hi Martin,
> What is the purpose of the *_mfm.pas files? Are they some relic left
> over from the days when FPC didn't have built-in resource support? Why
> does MSEide have it, but Lazarus doesn't need it.
Because MSEgit does not depend on the FPC resource system.
IIRC FPC resources did not work whe I first needed it. AFAIK FPC can not load 
*.mfm objtext files because of some extensions I needed to implement.

> I'm just asking because I'm curious. Also when I make local mods to
> MSEide or MSEgit I often get a lot of "what seems unnecessary" changes
> to code - caused by the ide form handling. This adds lots of "noise" to
> a code repository.
The *_mfm.pas can be restored from *.mfm either by MSEide or 
mseide-msegui/tools/form2pas. It is not necessary to store in the repository.

> In comparison:
>   fpGUI   - one single *.pas file for one or more forms
>   Lazarus - two files per form (*.lfm and *.pas)
>   MSEide  - three files per form (*.mfm, *_mfm.pas and *.pas)
And fpGUI wins! ;-)

The Lazarus and MSEgui systems have its advantages too.


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