On 2015-12-01 10:58, Saša Janiška wrote:
> language options and coming to conclusion that FPC (Object Pascal)
>  seems the be the best language for writing multi-platform desktop GUI
> app - these days most of people are infatuated with JS stuff.

+1 on both counts! ;-)

> How do they compare in terms of documentation, ease of learning,
> completeness of widget set etc.

I can answer the fpGUI and LCL parts. I'm the author of fpGUI Toolkit.

fpGUI:  [http://fpgui.sourceforge.net/]
  Documentation: there are plenty of class documentation available
     in multiple formats. INF, HTML etc.
     INF is a highly optimised and compact single file help, viewable
     with fpGUI's own DocView.

  Learning curve: fpGUI has a very easy to use API, and I've been
     told so by many. My personal opinion is that MSEgui is a bit
     harder to learn - but maybe that is because I originally came
     from Delphi. fpGUI also includes about 60 examples targetted
     for specific widgets, 8 application demos, and another 60
     demos for AggPas (a sub-pixel, anti-aliased 2D graphics
     library included and used by fpGUI).
     fpGUI, like MSEgui, is a custom drawn GUI toolkit, so has full
     control over everything, and is extremely consistent across
     platforms in look and feel. Your code never needs IFDEF

  Widgets: all standard widgets and dialogs are implemented. It also
     as some other widgets like Animation, LEDMatrix, Gauges etc
     Implementing new widgets or porting VCL or LCL widgets to
     fpGUI is real easy too.

  Development: fpGUI includes stand-alone tools like a documentation
     viewer, visual forms designer etc. It doesn't force you to use
     a specific IDE either, so you are free to use any IDE or
     programmer editor of your choosing. You can then use the
     "External Tools" feature of those to integrate fpGUI UIDesigner
     or DocView. Documentation on this is included on the website.

  Documentation: there are plenty of class documentation and other
     tutorials. See the FPC wiki.

  Learning curve: LCL is pretty easy to use, especially if you come
     from a Delphi VCL background. LCL is a abstract layer on top of
     other GUI toolkits (eg: GTK2, Qt2, Win32 etc). This means LCL
     doesn't have full control over everything, widgets have different
     features or behaviours depending on which platform you run on. This
     makes for a pretty nasty and inconsistent programming experience.

  Widgets: all standard widgets and dialogs are implemented, with a few
     custom ones too.

  Development: To use LCL you are pretty much required to use Lazarus
     IDE and its integrated form designer. So if you don't like
     the IDE much (I'm not a big fan), then you are going to have a
     slow and painful programming experience - especially for desktop
     type applications.

Hope this helps.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

My public PGP key:  http://tinyurl.com/graeme-pgp

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