On Saturday 19 December 2015 13:18:34 Fred van Stappen wrote:
> > > I cannot make tabs assisted, I cannot find a way to make him say, when
> > > a tab has changed => "tab the_file.pas focused" for example...
> Excellent, many thanks.
> By the way, tested yesterday (long) night =>
> sender.getassistivecaretindex() for TWidgetGrid. Perfect, it works now. And
> to get the character typed =>
> ...
> char_typed:= sender.getassistivecelltext(info.cell);
> char_typed := char_typed[sender.getassistivecaretindex()];
> ...
There should be an iassistiveserver.dokeydown() call from the active cell 
widget (not from twidgetgrid!). Do you receive that event?

> => result for assistive-TWidgetGrid => like TMemoEdit => 2x voices (one say
> the character, other the word). => perfect.
> I did not find how to get the key pressed (for example "left", "right",
> "up", "down") so I use  sender.getassistivecaretindex() for "left", "right"
> compare it with the earlier character entered (> or <). For "up" and
> "down", I use info.cell.row and compare it too to with earlier character
> entered.
These keys also are sent by the active cell widget. Please check 
the "asf_gridcell" flag from "iassistiveclient.getassistiveflags()" in order 
to see if a widget is embedded in a twidgetgrid, please see the updated demo.


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