On Monday 21 December 2015 11:36:50 Michael Ebner wrote:
> Am 20.12.2015, 14:39 Uhr, schrieb Martin Schreiber <mse00...@gmail.com>:
> See attachement, the difference isn't designtime or runtime, the
> difference is
>    Button3.Face.Image.Source := BitmapComp1;     // no masking
> ...
>    Button4.Face.Image.Assign(BitmapComp1.Bitmap);    // masking
Correct, if a tmaskedbitmap.source is set the bitmap uses the remote bitmap 
with its possible mask for painting, the local mask_source is not used.
"Button4.Face.Image.Assign()" creates a local copy.

Another option is to set the mask in the remote bitmap:
 bitmapcomp1.bitmap.mask_source:= bitmapcomp2;
> By the way: Needs Button1.CreateFace a check for Face created yet?

Could you test if ow1_autowidth with fs_italic font style is OK now?


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