On Monday 04 January 2016 12:32:41 Michael Ebner wrote:
> Hi all,
> I need some input for documentation.
> 1.) HelpContext: Ok, I can set a value, but what can I do with this value.
> Clicking a THelpController on the form an using OnHelp doesn't do anything.
A help event is triggered by calling application.help(helpsender), this calls 
dohelp() of the registered helpcontrollers until 
THelpController.onhelp "handled" parameter is set to true. It is up to the 
application to do an appropriate action depending on helpsender.helpcontext.

> 2.) Hint: Hint works
> (http://wiki.freepascal.org/Reference:_MSEgui/TWidget#Hint), but I would
> be surprised if there aren't many parameters (color, font, distance to the
> widget...) I have not found yet.
The default hintwidget class can be set by application.hintwidgetclass or 
overridden in OnHint event. The default hint widget class uses the 
symbolic "cl_infobackground" color and the stockfont "stf_hint".

> 3.) OnEnter, OnFocus, OnActivate:
> I think:  OnFocus, if the widget get's the focus, OnActivate, if the
> widget get's the focus and the form is active. Correct?


> And what's OnEnter 
> for?
It is called for the parentwidget(s) of a to-be-focused-widget if the current 
focused widget is no child or sub-child of the parentwidget(s). It is also 
called for the to-be-focused-widget itself. OnExit is called for the opposite 


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