Any chance of this being fixed in the near future?

  Martin, I might need your help. I've decided to implement my own
  add-on for MSEide. The same as I've done for fpGUI's Maximus IDE and
  what I've done for Lazarus too. A "procedure list" add-on, which makes
  navigating large (and small) units really easy and fast. I'll use my
  own Pascal parser to speed up the implementation, but might later
  try and use fcl-parser instead (so to stay up to date with supporting
  latest language syntax). I've never done MSEgui based programming, but
  I'll give it a go - I'll search the mailing list for answers before
  I bug you though. ;-)

On 2016-09-27 12:45, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:
> Hi Martin,
> Just to let you know, I have code as follows in the interface section of
> a unit.
> operator = (const a, b: TRect): boolean;
> operator = (const a, b: TfpgRect): boolean;
> Using Ctrl+Shift+Down does not navigate to the implementation of these
> operator overloading functions.
> Obviously MSEide has no problem navigating normal functions, procedures
> or methods of a class.
> Regards,
>   Graeme


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