On Tuesday 18 October 2016 02:09:46 Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:
> Hi Martin,
> I'm getting there! :-) See attached screenshot.
Congrats! If you agree I'll try to make a plug-in with the modification later.

> A couple more questions.
> 1. How do I get the focused row in the StringGrid to show even when the
>    grid doesn't have focus? eg: in fpGUI when the StringGrid has
>    focus, the focus row will be in a Navy color, but when the grid
>    doesn't have focus, the last focused row will be a Light Blue
>    colour.
Please set T*grid.DataCols.ColorFocused.

> 2. I've managed to populate the Objects combobox. But when I open the
>    dropdown list, only half of the text is displayed. From what I
>    understand is that the combobox supports columns of data. It
>    appears as if there a 4 column, yet I explicitly set
>      dropdown.cols.count := 1
>    in the Object Inspector. The exact widget I'm using is the TSelector.
Please use TEnumEdit or TDropdownListEdit instead of TSelector. TSelector is a 
very special widget which can be used as base for a select widget where the 
displayed text and the text used for selecting are different. TEnumEdit maps 
text list-items to an integer, TDropdownListEdit is the nearest MSEgui 
equivalent of TComboBox.

In order to fill the dropdown list use
 with <dropdownedit>.dropdown.cols do begin
The items of the "cols" property are the TDataList descendents which hold the 
column data, so
<dropdownedit>.dropdown.cols[n].asarray:= <colndata>;
can be used if the column data is in a dynamic arrays.

> 3. I currently hard-coded a *.pas unit to be processed. How do I
>    retrieve the full file name of the current unit in the Source Editor
>    window?
"sourcefo.activepage.filename". "sourcefo.activepage" can be nil.


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