On 2016-10-19 10:13, Martin Schreiber wrote:
>> Also they can close the dialog by simply
>> pressing ESC.
> Please activate <form>.options fo_closeonesc in order to activate such a 
> behaviour.

That doesn't seem to have the desired effect. The dialog disappears, but
not close.  I then can't get focus back to the source editor. Clicking
on the main window of MSEide, then suddenly the dialog appears again.

So for now I'll not use that option and instead manually call Close.

I'll try and makes some time today so I can share the code that I
currently have. If you don't mind giving in a once over and change what
you consider being improvements - or simply let me know what I need to
change to improve MSEgui usage. I'm totally unfamiliar with MSEgui.

>>     key_Up:
>>         begin
> //          grdProcedures.Row := grdProcedures.Row-1;
>             grdProcedures.rowup();

And that is where "Code completion" or "Code Insight" would be a useful
feature.... discovering methods (IDE showing what is available) you
didn't know about.  ;-)

Thanks for the tip. I changed both Up and Down code.

>>           lGotoLine := StrToInt(grdProcedures.Items[c]);
> Ouch, use a TWidgetGrid with a TIntegerEdit. ;-)

As I mentioned, I'm totally unfamiliar with MSEgui. So I'm trying first
what I can figure out. Better MSEgui usage will follow as soon as I have
enough of Procedure List working (which is close now).

> Correct. But setting es_processed is more appropriate.

A quick search reveals that option is part of the eventstatety enum, but
where do I set that?


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