
I've finally got the "Procedure List" add-on for MSEide to a point were
it is working. Not perfectly, but usable at least. ;-)

The code can be found in the "procedurelist" branch on my msegui
repository on Github.


Attached a two screenshots. The first one shows the initial view. The
second one shows the view after some filter text has been entered.

Ctrl+G  will launch the Procedure List dialog and parse the current
*.pas unit from the source editor.

Immediately start typing any text, and the grid will filter doing
partial matches on the procedure name or method name.

Use the up/down arrows to select the appropriate procedure - without
leaving the filter edit text box. Once the correct procedure is
selected, simply press ENTER to jump to that procedure in the source
editor window. The Procedure List dialog will close automatically.

At any time you can close the Procedure List dialog by pressing the ESC
key. eg: when you don't want to jump to any other procedure.

Outstanding features and known problems:
1. On closing the Procedure List dialog a "Access Violation" error pops
   up. I have no idea why this happens yet. I have double checked an
   the procedure list's destructor executes fully. The AV appears
   after the fact - it seems from the action module unit of the IDE.

2. It reports 4 memory leaks, yet I do free everything. I think these
   4 memory leaks are do the the AV error mentioned in (1).

3. The first column in the grid should be replaced with images. I put
   the numbers there simply for debugging.

4. The Objects combobox functionality has not been implemented yet.

5. Class and Procedure filtering via the filter text edit box has not
   been implemented yet.

6. If the grid has focus, the text is painted in black, instead of a
   more visible white. I still need to figure out how to do that.

7. Individual cells should not be selectable (focusable) in the grid.

8. I still need to figure out how to register the Procedure List in the
   IDE Shortcuts dialog, so the shortcut can be user configurable.

Anyway, I hope you find what I've do so far useful. Any feedback or
improvements would be welcomed.


fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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