Hello Martin.




>  Linux gui_getevent() breakes xfilterevent() loop if there is no message.

If I may, you did discover something **very** annoying.

My previous audio project: miXimum uses LCL + Bass audio library.

Because of that "random pause", I switched form GTK2 to Qt.

It works better for synchro but still that "random pause" when no mouse or
keyboard for a certain time.

And all my annoying post to Lazarus, Qt or Bass forum did not help.

I decided to stop to update miXimum in 2012 because of that random pause.

Also Bass library is not open-source and there are some things missing.

So I created uos the open source out of the box audio library.

I have to confess that I was desperate when same random pause appeared for
MSE gui too.

But you found the solution. ;-)

Like always, brillant.

This night will be a merciless test, StrumPract will be the dj all night

Many, many thanks Brillant Martin.


PS: @Graeme, maybe that MSE fix-code could help for fixing same random pause
with fpGUI.


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