Hi Martin,

Long time since I did something with my MSEGUI project. Had to postpone it
due to a lot of work in my company. Called today git pull, a really big
bunch of changes! Great. But have few questions:

1. MSEIDE build fine, but when try to compile my project I get error
related to msefreetype:

procedure initializefreetype(const sonames: array of filenamety);
 funcs: array[0..19] of funcinfoty = (
  (n: 'FT_Done_Face'; d: @FT_Done_Face),                //0
  (n: 'FT_Done_FreeType'; d: @FT_Done_FreeType),        //1
  (n: 'FT_Get_Char_Index'; d: @FT_Get_Char_Index),      //2
  (n: 'FT_Get_Kerning'; d: @FT_Get_Kerning),            //3
  (n: 'FT_Init_FreeType'; d: @FT_Init_FreeType),        //4
  (n: 'FT_Load_Char'; d: @FT_Load_Char),                //5
  (n: 'FT_Load_Glyph'; d: @FT_Load_Glyph),              //6
  (n: 'FT_New_Face'; d: @FT_New_Face),                  //7
  (n: 'FT_Set_Char_Size'; d: @FT_Set_Char_Size),        //8
  (n: 'FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes'; d: @FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes),    //9
  (n: 'FT_Set_Transform'; d: @FT_Set_Transform),        //10
  (n: 'FT_Outline_Decompose'; d: @FT_Outline_Decompose),//11
  (n: 'FT_Library_Version'; d: @FT_Library_Version),    //12
  (n: 'FT_Get_Glyph'; d: @FT_Get_Glyph),                //13
  (n: 'FT_Glyph_Copy'; d: @FT_Glyph_Copy),              //14
  (n: 'FT_Glyph_To_Bitmap'; d: @FT_Glyph_To_Bitmap),    //15
  (n: 'FT_Glyph_Transform'; d: @FT_Glyph_Transform),    //16
  (n: 'FT_Done_Glyph'; d: @FT_Done_Glyph),              //17
  (n: 'FT_Glyph_Get_CBox'; d: @FT_Glyph_Get_CBox),      //18
  (n: 'FT_Render_Glyph'; d: @FT_Render_Glyph)           //19
 errormessage = 'Can not load Freetype library. ';

msefreetype.pas(462,76) Error: Incompatible type for arg no. 7: Got
"<address of procedure;Register>", expected "<procedure variable type of
procedure(const Pointer);Register>"
msefreetype.pas(467,33) Error: Incompatible type for arg no. 2: Got
"<address of procedure;Register>", expected "<procedure variable type of
procedure(const Pointer);Register>"

2. I saw some changes in mseaudio. This is what I always wanted to ask you.
When looked at msegui source I saw a lot of solutions not stricte related
to GUI (like dbus, cryptography etc.). Does MSGUI have something for
playing mp3 music? So far I always used low level headers for libvlc, SDL
or Bass library. Does msegui have something own or wrappers arround these
libs? Same question about networking, does it have something for websockets
(client side)? I'm using mORMot package for this. This is not feature
request, just wondering if msegui has already something which fit better
with MSEGUI by itself.

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