On Sunday 08 July 2018 11:10:42 Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:
> On 07/08/18 06:36, Martin Schreiber wrote:
> >> videos, but 200 or so photos - the rest harvested data), I try not to
> >> use Google any more. DuckDuckGo gives me  the exact same information as
> >> Google would have,
> >
> > Really? See Attachment.
> Your DuckDuckGo result makes perfect sense to me. Look again at your
> filter settings. Google is obviously a lot more popular (and larger)
> than DuckDuckGo. MSEide or MSEgui or MSElang has a very small community
> in comparison to other topics. Take that into account and the fact that
> you only asked for results of the past month will give you a very small
> subset, or no results as in your case.
> Change the filter setting to "any time" and magically you get a ton of
> results. See attached screenshot.
My point is that Google with its incomparable bigger financial background 
inevitable provides better results.
That nobody cares about the extremely dangerous knowledge about individuals, 
groups and a big part of mankind that Google and other internet giants have 
is another matter.


> > That is the website where they promote their software product.
> Well, that exact same set of steps on Github shows me what I'm looking
> for.  Go to "www.github.com", type "msegui" in the search box and press
> Enter.
AFAIK the Github software system is closed source and can't be bought like the 
GitLab system. The GitLab kernel is even free.
github.com is the hosting site as gitlab.com/explore for GitLab

> My point exactly. The user experience is hit and miss, or all over the
> place depending on the website. Sometimes things work, sometime they don't.
I have the same experience.


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