On Wednesday 10 October 2018 16:17:29 fredvs wrote:
> There is something that puzzles me...
> Would it be possible to still use the lot of code provided by
> Delphi/FPC/fpGUI/Lazarus ?
The Pascal dialect used by current MSEgui will be supported ({$mode pascal}).

> Would it need lot of conversion from fpc syntax-code to MSElang?
No. Converting code from {$mode pascal} to {$mode mselang} probably can be 
done automatically.

> What would be very difficult to translate/use from fpc code?
Things which are not used in MSEgui (macros, generics and some of the new 
inventions of Free Pascal). Operator overloading is not implemented in Free 
Pascal global definition style, it is a feature of MSElang objects.

> Would it be possible to access native c libraries (and create native
> library)?
Linking of C-object modules and libraries is possible. Producing of libraries 
is certainly supported by LLVM.


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