On Thursday 22 November 2018 17:10:16 mohamed hamza wrote:
> Why some others values gives me : exception - Invalid Color and there is a
> loop on that message which forces me to restart?
> Ex color = 16119551
Because the values are not listed in the color tables in
Values without +/- are 32 bit hex numbers, most significant nibble is the 
group number.
"1 6119551" -> there is no group "1". Defined groups are
 cl_functional = colorty($80000000);
 cl_mapped =     colorty($90000000);
 cl_namedrgb =   colorty($a0000000);
 cl_user =       colorty($b0000000);
or "0" for direct RGB values.

git master c1a2765c887858d9a22c45c355317b1d4035bac9 does not throw exceptions 
in case of invalid colors.


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