Sehr geehrter Herr fredvs,

Sie schrieben am Tue, 23 Apr 2019 13:13:42 -0700 (MST):

> >> If there is a debugger timeout at startup enlarge the 
> >>Project'-'Options'-'Target'-'Wait before connect' value.  
> > Maybe it could help?  
> For all the people like me that did not find it, it is in:
> Project'-'Options'-' '*Debugger*'-Target'-'Wait before connect' value.

Just tried this suggestion; I used 5sec for the value.
And indeed, the problem doesn't appear any more.
So in the end, the issue does seem to be debugger related, even on a plain
compile that doesn't even attempt to use the debugger at all.

(BTW, I found a couple other inconsistencies and minor issues, e.g. there's
a problem with the filedialog not finding an "images" field [noone using
this with msegui programs?], inconsistent "state file" in-/output [saving
different data from what is retrieved], not-user-accessible font and color
dialogs [the color dialog is, but it cannot be positioned at all], and
there are probabely a few more I didn't hit yet. Oh yeah, one more: there's
no "find" dialog, I'd need one...)

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Mit freundlichen Grüßen, S. Schicktanz

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