> also load/save layout doesn't work

Yes, it is because the main/only problem.
The section "TForm" in the stat file is not well recognized.
All the data about position, size, options, etc are not assigned to TForms.

The strange thing is that for all other widgets (grid, tedit, tpanel,
etc...) that are child of Tform, all status are correctly assigned.

I did try this for layout: using fpc IniFiles.pas to store status of all the
TForm combined with mse-statfile for all the child.
It works like charm but, I agree, it is a turn-around because you need 2
files: the mse-layout-statfile.prj and the Tform-status.ini.

> i don't know where's the layout is saved ,  project file or statfile ? 

In fact a layout file is a statfile that uses the ".prj" extension.
And a project file is also a statfile that uses the ".prj" extension.


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