On 08/02/2020 5:00 pm, Roland Chastain wrote:
> OK Fred, thank you. I will follow the progress of ideU.

I'm hoping that over time the official MSEide can incorporate most ideU
enhancements, so we don't end up with a fragmented project.

Just my 2c. But then on the flip side, maybe Fred wants to use ideU
where things can be experimented with before they make it into the
official MSEide - that's actually not such a bad idea either. But again,
that could be accomplished in the official MSEide repository too, using
an "experimental" branch/branches, where ideas can easily and quickly be
merged and tested for some time, because some of those features make it
into the "master" branch.

I think IntelliJ IDEA and Git itself follow that development process.
You have the official stable branch, and then multiple feature branches,
and an "experimental" branch which contains most of the feature branches
all merged together for trialling.


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