Hello Graeme.

> One such feature I enabled immediately was
> to automatically format the code when you save a file.

I have to confess that I am the worst in that field.
When I code new idea, I do it without to care about formatting and at the
end there is a mess.

After that, when I am courageous, I do manually reformat the code (but it is

I know it is not the good way to do, I have to format directly while coding.

But the years go by and I don't correct myself so maybe the best solution is
to do like you propose:
a auto-formatter for incorrigible and lazy people like me.

In fpGUI project there is

I did copy it into /ideU/plugin/jcf and renamed it into jcf.xml to make ideU
It works out-of-the-box and your parameters are interpreted.

Do you agree if I use your JCFSettings.cfg as default config file for


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