On 14/02/2020 1:34 am, fredvs wrote:
>> Afaik, the *_mfm.pas are not necessary.
>> You may delete them, there are given only for convenience (?) when you do
>> a
>> "touch form". 
> Fake news!
> *_mfm.pas ARE necessary.

I remember I asked Martin if they were required, and his answer was
technically no, because they are auto generated or something. So I once
deleted all *_mfm.pas files from my local MSEide+MSEgui repo, and
everything was broken.


So yeah, no idea what Martin meant. And no idea why they are needed.
Granted I never bothered to look inside the MSEgui code to find out either.

Either way, I always thought 2 files per form/window/dialog was bad for
Delphi/Lazarus - hence I implemented fpGUI to *only* use the single
*.pas file. So now seeing 3 files per form/window/dialog in MSEgui is
*really bad*! Especially since you can't resolve conflicts in the
*_mfm.pas files. :-(

If there ever was a long term goal for MSEide going forward, I would
putting.... find the meaning of those files and removing them as a big
goal going forward.


fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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