Hello Graeme.

Sorry, I could not resist.
It is done, and was very easy.

3 new parameters are added in msesyntaxpainter : [fontlinecolor
[backgroundlinecolor [selectedcolor

So now in the sdef file, for example for your pascal_solarized_dark.sdef,
the code is this:

# COLORS font/paper/statement/pairmark/fontcolline/colline/selected
  COLORS $93a1a1 $002b36 cl_default cl_default $93a1a1 $002b36 $5E0078


Note that in Martin code, each color is dependent of the precedent and is
initialized like this:
cl_default cl_default cl_default cl_default cl_default cl_default cl_default

If you want to change only the selected color, you need to add all the 6
precedent cl_default.
If you only want to change the font/paper color, you may omit all the
cl_default that follow.

I did add a little line in procedurelist.pas to enable the selection-color

Also, your pascal_solarized_dark.sdef what updated with those new colors.
It is backward compatible with all old .sdef, of course.

I did commit all this in official mse-org.

Have fun.


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