>Sorry I dont find now the code that demonstrate that it was easier if
> "sba_none" was placed at end. 

OK, I found it.

This was a original code (see scrollbarclicked new added constant):

 scrollbarareaty = (sbbu_down,sbbu_move,sbbu_up,sba_start,sba_end);

 scrollbarclicked = ord(sba_end) + 1; // not a "good boy" code.

I did change code adding 2 new items in scrollbarareaty (scrollbarclicked
=sba_clicked) and sba_none: 
And remove const scrollbarclicked (that becomes sba_clicked in the enum

---> scrollbarareaty =

// sba_none was placed at end because, later in code:

---> for ar1:= low(scrollbarareaty) to high(scrollbarareaty) do begin

// was changed with (due to 2 last added items):

---> for ar1:= low(scrollbarareaty) to sba_end do begin

Of course you could add sba_none in first position and do:

---> for ar1:= sbbu_down to sba_end do begin

So, I wait for the vote for the code you want.


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