> Anyway it is extremely difficult to explain

In short, according:


3.1.1. Shared Library Names

Every shared library has a special name called the ``soname''. The soname
has the prefix ``lib'', the name of the library, the phrase ``.so'',
followed by a period and a version number that is incremented whenever the
interface changes (as a special exception, the lowest-level C libraries
don't start with ``lib'').

Every shared library also has a ``real name'', which is the filename
containing the actual library code. The real name adds to the soname a
period, a minor number, another period, and the release number.

In addition, there's the name that the compiler uses when requesting a
library, (I'll call it the ``linker name''), which is simply the soname
without any version number.


The linker ld can deal with "soname" (the most recommended), "real name''
(to link a particular number) and the "linker name" (for fast coding to
point to the soname without number.)

Sadly, for a obscure reason, fpc accept only the "linker name" and strip
everything from the soname before to sent it to the linker ld. and makes
impossible to link a "soname".

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